This creature was shoot near Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. It houses the Satish Dhawan space center, one of the two satellite launch center in INDIA. Indian space research organisation I S R O
That animal seen near the bushes.This creature had a human like face and eyes, the body of the animal was like a chameleon and legs are like REPTILES.
I don't know the what kind of species it is, the skin of the creature is looks hard and thick. the upper layer of the creature grey black skin is like a hardy.
I can't explain this, but even a different creature in this planet i think so, Reptiles are tetrapod animals class Reptilia, comprising today's TURTLES, CROCODILIANS, SNAKES, LIZARDS, TUATARA, and their extinct relatives. The modern amphibians, is called herapetology. The side pose was like a reptile. The shape and size of this are looks different.
The movement of this creature was slow, no hair present on it and most of the people around the surroundings are surprise to see this creature, they can't believe that's an living. The creature doesn't stand longer in sun. The funny thing in this picture is the creature gives a pose for camera.
If anyone know about his creature give a comment...........
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